
Gratitude and Celebration

There can be such delight in the ‘Aha!’ of finding a new blog… and then watching and reading someone over the arc of time. I love this woman, her words, her work, and her friendship, and I am delighted to repost her latest here.


It’s back to school time, and though my students are adults, I’ve thinking about how much we can all learn from my cousin’s five year old sons. Though I don’t see them as often as I’d like, I have always loved watching them play. The twins just started kindergarten.

I realized that one of the things I love see most is that they haven’t learned that they “can’t” do something, or can’t do it in a certain way (kitchen knives and hot pans aside). They are discovering new things every day.

As we grow up, we learn we are better at some activities than others. We are encouraged down different paths. We begin to be assigned labels. We practice different skills.

Yes, some things come more naturally (I have never been able to understand car engines, no matter how hard my father tried), and we generally like doing things we excel at, but we…

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